Growers Choice Bouquet


Our Growers Choice bouquet is made from flowers that are hand-selected by our growers. In our experience, it’s a surefire way to get top quality flowers at a great price.

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Growers Choice Bouquet

Our Growers Choice bouquet is made from flowers that are hand-selected by our growers. In our experience, it’s a surefire way to get top quality flowers at a great price.

Each Growers Choice Bouquet includes of a beautiful mix of assorted flowers, chosen by the grower, harvested at their peak and ready for same day delivery from our shop, throughout the Milwaukee area.

Did I mention the value? Each bouquet contains 30 stems of flowers! This is an extraordinary value at $39.99, but an extraordinary vaiue at $20!

The flowers and colors do vary so they may not be exactly as pictured. But one thing that doesn’t change is the value. That’s the reason why these bouquets sell out quickly every week.

Growers Choice Bouquets are available each week, but only while supplies last. Don’t miss out – order today.