Smiles and Sunshine Bouquet

Perfect for any occasion, this vibrant Smiles and Sunshine bouquet features 10 stems of assorted alstroemeria, elegantly accented with a half dozen multi-colored roses.


Smiles & Sunshine Bouquet

Send a sunny splash of color and brighten their day with the Smiles and Sunshine bouquet!

This vibrant bouquet features 10 stems of assorted alstroemeria, accented with a half dozen multi-colored roses.

A symbol of friendship and devotion, each stem of alstroemeria has multiple flowers and will be sure to touch their heart.

The bouquet contains

  • 6 Assorted Roses
  • 10 Assorted Alstroemeria Stems (multiple blooms per stem)
  • Approximately 16″ tall
  • Ships in custom packaging and gift box

Several vase options are also available at checkout.